Querdenker - Wie sich Menschen aus der Mitte radikalisieren_peliplat
Querdenker - Wie sich Menschen aus der Mitte radikalisieren_peliplat

Querdenker - Wie sich Menschen aus der Mitte radikalisieren (2021)

None | Germany | German | 44 min
Directed by: Svea Eckert, Caroline Schmidt

Lateral thinkers, so-called "Querdenker" in German, have their very own view of things. They see the country as an inhumane Corona dictatorship and themselves as the last democrats, as fighters against a supposedly insane system. Some of them even compare the Federal Republic of Germany with Hitler's Germany because of the measures that should protect people against the virus epidemics. For most of this people, denialism of science and vaccination skepticism go hand in hand with sinking into an encapsulated social media bubble. They demonstrate on the streets against "the system", which supposedly sidelines those who think differently, without adhering to rules such as wearing a mask. The makers of the documentary accompanied two of these lateral thinkers to find out what causes citizens of the middle of the society to become so radicalized and to drift to the fringes of the political spectrum.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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