Several sequences of strong action violence involving repeated stabbings and bloody shootings. Fingers are sliced off and is seen multiple times in close-up.
An elevator crashes, resulting in several deaths, one of which is quite graphic (a man is cut in half, bloodless), but happens pretty quickly.
A man throws a jar of honey on a woman and lights the liquid, we see the woman in flames, she falls to the ground screaming and dies.
A man is held on a desk and questioned while having a stapler slammed into his head and hand.
A man fights many members of a SWAT team and knocks them all out.
A person is tied to a chair and punched several times.
One characters teeth are forced down against the handle of a gun. While his teeth are pushed down his two front teeth pop out.
The front piece of a gun is stabbed into a man's neck. Not seen in alot of detail.
A man is threatened with a chisel to the eye and then hung by a chain.
After Adam clay sets off an explosion. 6 people are shot in a row, one through the neck.
From a close up shot Clay shoots a man in the head twice. Only shown via two blood spurts.
Clay pushes a man down onto the floor while a keyboard is pressed into his mouth. As he makes contact with the floor his mouth smashes against the keyboard with blood showing.
At the first call centre Clay attempts to intimidate the scammers by smashing a dial phone down onto a man's head several times. The aftermath is only briefly seen as the man limps away afterwards.
After Anna is killed and left to burn, clay slices off one of her fingers with a knife and places it in a bag.
Many a poor fool are smacked around by a rough and tumble type of fella.
All the kills are as good as bloodless, there's also no gore whatsoever.
Men are hung.
R violence type: blood and graphic.
Level of violence: 8/10. Strong bloody violence.
Strong violence.