Let Me Hear It Barefoot_peliplat
Let Me Hear It Barefoot_peliplat
Play trailer

Let Me Hear It Barefoot (2021)

None | Japan | Japanese | 128 min
Directed by: Riho Kudo

Naomi, a student dropout, only believes in things he can touch. However, when he really wants to touch someone, he recoils. As is the case when he befriends Maki, a happy-go-lucky young man who lives with Midori, a blind woman who dreamily expounds about places she has never been. When Midori becomes seriously ill, Maki and Naomi send her tapes from an imaginary trip around the world. Their relationship becomes more intimate whilst recording, but they only dare engage in rough, painful horseplay.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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