My first choice_peliplat
My first choice_peliplat

My first choice (2021)

None | Spain | Spanish | 6 min
Directed by: Carlota Callén

Blanca thinks that opening up about the sexual problems she has with the father of her son could help to soothe her friend who is about to undergo a medical test. However, Julia, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, allows herself to be bluntly honest and speak her mind freely about what she really thinks about her friend's current partner. The fact that both completely bare their souls to each other makes them reconsider their personal relationships and their very own friendship. Julia will end up crumbling down and recognizing her fears regarding her upcoming mastectomy. Both will realize that what really matters is to make each other happy one way or the other. Perhaps, their happiness dwells in being together and open themselves to new experiences.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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