
DeadLine (2020)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Eric J. Blanco-L., Mahmoud Odah

Abraham Karem. He is a mechanical engineer student who wants to graduate, but he has to finish his thesis to achieve that, which is putting a camera into a flying drone. Cambell the dean of the school, explains to Abraham that his thesis is late. Abraham explains to Cambell that he had court that morning. Unfortunately, the dean refuses his excuse and declines his project. Abraham goes back to his apartment and drops his project into the garbage. Ramsey, his roommate, sees Abraham's project in the garbage, he is also an engineer with a 4.0 GPA. Ramsey sends a message to his date and tells her that he can't go out today. "His roommate needs help". That's when Ramsey grabs the drone and starts to repair it to operate better. After spending the night working on it, Ramsey and his friends try it for the first time. The drone works successfully. Ramsey and his friends went back to the apartment to Inform Abraham about the drone. They open the door and find Abraham colds on the floor with a gun in his hand. They tried to save him, but it was too late. The following week Ramsey explains to Mr.Campbell that this was not an accident, it was abusive mental murder. The professor asks him if he is blaming him? Ramsey explained to him that he was traped, he just wanted to make his father proud, but instead, he ended up bearing him. This would never have happened if he had just accepted his thesis.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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