Night of the British Dead_peliplat
Night of the British Dead_peliplat

Night of the British Dead (2022)

None | UK | English | 98 min
Directed by: Anthony Rudd

What would happen if you took THE classic zombie movie and completely re-dubbed it with a new comedy script? Starring Stéphane Cornicard (Saving Private Ryan), Anthony Rudd, Ruth Urquhart, Isi "The Scribe" Adeola and many more. It's a terrifying tale of a very British zombie apocalypse. Featuring "I'm Getting Married to a Zombie", a new song from "Legs" Larry Smith of The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. Will Ben and Barbra survive the night? Will local law enforcement officers shoot everybody first? Will Beyonce ever turn up? Let's face it, they should all just listen to Harry and go hide in the cellar, but will they? Night of the British Dead will chill you, thrill you and probably make you a slightly better person. "They're coming to get you, Barbawa!"

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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