Play trailer

Clinton (2021)

None | India | English | 28 min
Directed by: Prithviraj Das Gupta

On one winter Sunday, all the students of a boarding school in Kalimpong, go for a school outing. Clinton has to stay back along with the other punished students because he is too embarrassed to admit that he has no pocket money. He hasn't eaten anything since morning and he is hungry. He goes to the canteen and asks for half a plate of momos. But the canteen owner refuses to give him food since his father hasn't paid the dues for the last six months. Clinton tries all possible ways to get something to eat, but he fails and feels helpless. At that point, Roxy, the class bully, tries to take advantage of the situation and threatens Clinton to give his hard earned cricket champion trophy. Clinton refuses as his love for the trophy is immense, but Roxy won't stop tormenting him. Eventually, Clinton reaches his tipping point and fights back and escapes. Although he manages to escape, his hunger has grown and become unbearable. This is when he meets Dichen Palden, the new girl. Through their brief interaction, he realizes Dichen is in a similar situation. In the face of this challenge, Clinton makes the tough decision of sacrificing his priceless trophy by selling it to Roxy for just 20 rupees. With that 20 rupees, he buys two half plate momos, one for himself and one for Dichen. Clinton's act of kindness turns him into a hero, something he never knew he was, until this point. It gives him the courage to keep up the good fight and rescue the small twins Bobby and William from Roxy's domination.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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