Aufbruch zur Macht: Der Weg einer neuen Partei im Herbst 1989_peliplat
Aufbruch zur Macht: Der Weg einer neuen Partei im Herbst 1989_peliplat

Aufbruch zur Macht: Der Weg einer neuen Partei im Herbst 1989 (1989)

None | East Germany | German | 45 min
Directed by: Thomas Grimm

The political movement Demokratischer Aufbruch (DA) is founded in a time of upheaval in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Stasi and the East German Police intervened to prevent the DA's existence but failed. After Erich Honeker's resignation and the fall of the Berlin wall the DA's chairman Wolfgang Schnur was revealed as a Stasi agent and replaced by Rainer Eppelmann. From February 1990, Angela Merkel served as the party's spokesperson.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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