Behind the Dreams_peliplat
Behind the Dreams_peliplat

Behind the Dreams (2021)

PG (AU) | Australia | English | 3 min
Directed by: Gabriel Robinson

A creatively-frustrated Dream Director decides to go 'off script' and throw his dream subject, Guy, into a new story. In the dream, Guy encounters terrifying skeletons, his ex-girlfriend and his long-lost father. His father gifts Guy a light-up Japanese sword, which he uses to vanquish the skeletons and win back his girlfriend, however moments later is father is mortally wounded. On his death bed, Guy's father makes him promise to live like an adult and take responsibility for his life. Inspired, Guy cries out to the heavens, his now-girlfriend by his side. As the dream concludes, Dream Director receives a phone call from head office - elated, he asks what Guy thought of his dream - Only to discover Guy, now awake, has already completely forgotten his dream and gone back to his immature ways.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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