Good Life_peliplat
Good Life_peliplat

Good Life (2022)

S (FI) | Sweden, Lithuania, Finland | English, Swedish, German | 72 min
Directed by: Marta Dauliute, Viktorija Siaulyte

While home office became an everyday option, Good Life is a gentle and critical look at a co-living startup, where the vision for 24/7 integration of work, networking, self-management and private life is being tested with even higher, limitless and global ambition. Guided by observations and questioning of the two female directors, the new world of innovation, insecure jobs, efficiency, flexibility and personal adaptation is put under test. What happens when corporate storytelling becomes part of one's innermost self and community becomes a commodity?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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