Wilted Field_peliplat
Wilted Field_peliplat

Wilted Field (2020)

None | Czech Republic | Czech | 12 min
Directed by: Antoine Dossin

Three brothers, Cenek, the oldest, Franta, and Mirek, the youngest, live and work on a remote family farm. After Cenek, drunk, unconsciously provokes an avoidable catastrophe, Franta and Mirek reveal their exhaustion of carrying Cenek's alcoholism as a burden. Franta voices his thoughts: Cenek has to leave. Their lives depend on it. However, Mirek, who has a different relationship with the oldest of the family, does not see this as a resolution. In the end, Cenek is the only one who can decide of the family's fate.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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