
Sunflower (2022)

None | USA | English | 23 min
Directed by: Mingjie Tang

This short film is based on the director's personal experience when she was a freshman in China. However, the real Jie didn't choose to report the professor but decided to forget this incident. "I still think about this from time to time, and I wonder if he has done this to any other students since then. If the school found about this, will they expel him? If I had reported him, would there have been no more victims?" "I thought about reporting it, and I wanted him to be punished, but I found I couldn't. I was too scared, and I didn't want anyone to know about this." "It was a good thing I was wearing jeans. If I had worn a dress, things would be much worse." But dear Jie, no matter what you were wearing, it's not your fault. You just walked into his office on a normal day, as anyone else would do. But why are you blaming yourself? Wasn't he the one who made a mistake? Women remain silent out of the fear of losing their future career, out of the fear of fighting absolute power. This collective silence reflects problems in the male-dominated social system. It's sick, but it's pervasive. And the meaning of this film is to encourage more of us to be no longer silent.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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