Away from Keyboard_peliplat
Away from Keyboard_peliplat

Away from Keyboard (2021)

None | USA | English | 6 min
Directed by: Kristýna Budínová

"Away From Keyboard" is a romantic comedy set partially in the fantasy world of Crystals and Centaurs, a role playing video game (similar to Dungeons and Dragons, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, etc.), following Sofia, a 15-year-old girl looking for love. Sofia spends most of her time playing online as her avatar, Éowyn. When Sofia makes a romantic connection with another gamer girl she did a quest with, she summons up the courage to ask her on a date...in the video game. As Sofia gets ready for her date, her brother Alex tells her that she should go on the date as herself and not try to be someone else, but Sofia doesn't listen. While Sofia's avatar is on her date, she gets in a small argument with her date that quickly gets blown out of proportion. The date ends early and Sofia slips into an ice cream eating, depressive episode. Alex comes to see how the date went and ultimately ends up inspiring her to snap out of her wallowing and take action to get what she wants. Alex tells Sofia that he wishes she had just gone on a real date because he thinks that the other girl would've really liked the real Sofia. Sofia then decides that it's not too late for a second chance. Sofia researches how to trace back an IP address and finds out her date's real life address so that she can ask for a second chance. Coincidentally, her date, who introduces herself as Josie, has done the exact same thing and is already at Sofia's front door when Sofia is planning to leave. Both of them, finally getting the chance to see each other for who they really are, admit that they think the date would have gone better without pretending to be things that they're not. They swooningly agree to give it another shot, giving the possibility of love a second chance, by just being what they should've been all along: themselves.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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