Farmer Rockstar_peliplat
Farmer Rockstar_peliplat

Farmer Rockstar (2019)

12 (NO) | Germany | German | 88 min
Directed by: Holger Haase

It looks like Alexander's big comeback tour is doomed. His rock-and-roll glory long gone, he has sunken into a morass of booze and excess so that he can hardly stand up, let alone perform. With only ten days to go before the first major gig, his manager Franzi is frantic. She then stumbles upon Sven, Alexander's perfect double, who always dreamed of a career in music. But can the shy, hardworking farmer be groomed in time to replace the big rock star live on stage? At least he's sober - but will that be enough?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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