
Breathe (2018)

None | USA | English | 2 min
Directed by: Luiis Hule

There is a reveal of a shovel then Rachel (Melyssah Colerangle ) is tied up in the back of a truck bed she see a small doll looking at her with a note that says "Good morning :)" she tries her best to sit up but once she does the villain teases her before knocking her out again. We hear a phone ringing while we see the detective (Johnny P. Cole) trying to open a door. Then we hear the villain say "Detective, if you hurry she might live." The detective is running through woods. Then he is in a car looking at a note from the villain that says, "Prayer mountain :)" he drives away to reveal a large sign that says "Prayer Mountain" Rachel is looking up at the sky while she is in the back of the moving truck. She remembers a red swing. The sky haunts her. The detective is running. The doll is nailed to a tree with a note that says, "Too Late :)" The detective shakes his head. Rachel is on a tarp next to a hole. and shovel. She is in the hole and we can only see her shoes. The villain covers her with dirt and sticks the shovel into the ground and walks away.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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