Heroes Among Us - Our Citizen Soldiers_peliplat
Heroes Among Us - Our Citizen Soldiers_peliplat

Heroes Among Us - Our Citizen Soldiers (2019)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Andrew Blake Doyle

This is a documentary film that examines the unique covenant our country has with all of the men and women who serve in its armed forces. This covenant was framed at America's founding by our first Commander-In-Chief, George Washington, his service, and the birth of the "Citizen Soldier." Since 1973, the American military has been comprised solely of volunteers. These citizen soldiers are trained and prepared exceptionally well to defend the nation, and to protect our freedom. What they are less well prepared for is returning to civilian life after their service to the country. This film will explore the "Duality of Home" for the American service member. It will take viewers on an educational and emotional journey through the experience of an individual who volunteers for military service. That journey will include the conversion of the civilian, to service member, and back to civilian, via boot camp, service, and their return to home. The documentary will explore the pathway for successful civilian reintegration by featuring interviews and testimonies from veterans who have lived that journey. Our covenant with all who serve is to welcome them home and aid them in their journey to a satisfying civilian life with their families, health, and careers.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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