Innocent Boy_peliplat
Innocent Boy_peliplat
Play trailer

Innocent Boy (2020)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 14 min
Directed by: Brock Cravy

On an unforgiving, dust-swept highway, a group of rag-tag hustlers, led by a loathsome Madam, preys on the desperados who have come for sex, drugs and Momma's special milk. A young black trans boy in the throws of withdraw, desperate for love and affection, is relentlessly bullied by his brother in trade, but things change when a ruthless Cowboy rides into town. As the boys begin to fall one-by-one, Penny is caught between Cowboy's murderous rage and the greed and corruption that Momma represents.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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