Ishyaka, la volonté de vivre_peliplat
Ishyaka, la volonté de vivre_peliplat

Ishyaka, la volonté de vivre (2016)

None | Burundi, Canada | French | 57 min
Directed by: Joseph Bitamba

Rwanda now lives in peace. This country is even cited as an example and its experts are solicited to resolve conflicts elsewhere in the world. Twenty years after the terrible genocide that claimed more than one million lives, how did Rwanda reconcile itself? What path has he traveled to rebuild? The main genocidaires were tried by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. In order to try the perpetrators of the genocide, Rwanda had to resort to its tradition by setting up the "Gacaca" courts. Villages of reconciliation have been created where the executioners (having served their sentence) and the survivors of the genocide are peacefully cohabiting. Today, Rwanda is proud to provide troops to the UN for its peacekeeping and mediation missions in conflict zones. With peace restored, the economy has one of the best growth in Africa. Foreigners are investing and tourism has taken off, reaching a million visitors a year.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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