Multiple uses of the F-word. (some used in a sexual context) A middle finger here and there. Occasional mention of sexual phrases, including blow job jokes. Frequent use of 'shit' and 'damn'.
Season 4, Episode 6 - 15 uses of "shit", infrequent uses of "bastard".
3 sexual uses of the f-word in season 1 as well as a use at the end of season 2.
Season 3 has more uses of the f word than previous seasons
9 uses of fuck in each episode of season 3.
The reason it is TV-MA is because of the language. If the cussing was cut down, it would have been TV-14 DLV.
Constant uses of "fuck" in several contexts & basically every cuss in the book, including "G__damn" throughout the whole series.
Almost 6 f words and 10 s words per episode.
Insane uses of goddamn about 13 uses per episode sometimes more sometimes less but it is still used a TON.