
Empty (2018)

None | USA | English | 17 min
Directed by: Aleix Melloni

Eva, a young teenager girl, returns home after a tough day at school and extra-curricular activities. Despite her parents were supposed to be there, she finds the house to be completely empty; or so she believes. She calls a friend to come be with her, but as she waits, the house seems to start threatening Eva, and some painful memories start to haunt her. In the midst of her terror, Juan calls; her ex-boyfriend - who would have been the father of her child, hadn't she had to abort. Despite Eva is in clear pain, Juan shows no regret or compassion for her. In the middle of Eva's emotional outburst, there is a knock on the door. But it's not Eva's friend. And Eva hears the cry of a baby, inside the house.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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