NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital_peliplat
NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital_peliplat

NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital (2020)

16 (CH) | Switzerland | Rhaeto-Romance languages, Tamashek, German | 78 min
Directed by: Pascal Hofmann

"NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital" takes us on an intriguing foray into the eventful life and creative artistic expressions of contemporary Swiss artist Not Vital. This film essay sheds light on the work of the internationally renowned Grisons artist who for a long time remained the "well-known unknown" inside his home country. Director Pascal Hofmann traces the driving force of this restless cosmopolitan, and establishes a dialogue between the motifs in Vital's work, his childhood dreams, and the influences of his most important places of stay such as Beijing, Patagonia, Niger, "his" village of Sent in the Grisons, and New York. "NOT ME - A Journey with Not Vital" opens up idiosyncratic insights into Vital's perception of reality and its artistic transformation. From beginning to end, this film tells the author's enraptured exploration of the longings of an artist who came from the mountains.

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