

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Brian Bishop
This title has not premiered yet

A somewhat timid Chris helps fence stolen goods but longs for an honest life, when Jacob, his partner in crime, hears about a large stash of cash buried in the desert. They recruit another unscrupulous friend, Geoff, and go in pursuit of the money. But Chris begins to struggle with his morality when Jacob and Geoff brutally kidnap the young woman responsible for burying the money, Jael, in order to further their plan. With Jael openly detesting any attempt at kindness from Chris, and unable to continue justifying his actions, and Chris is forced to begin doubting whether or not he's really on the path to an honest life. With everything quickly coming to a breaking point, he must decide what side to take.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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