ZenMan in Love_peliplat
ZenMan in Love_peliplat

ZenMan in Love (2018)

None | UK, USA | English | 12 min
Directed by: Klaas Diersmann

The film introduces us to ZenMan, an AI with dreams of becoming a screenwriter. ZenMan is tasked to answer the question 'What is Love?' In its writing debut, we meet an unnamed man and woman who are preparing for a dinner date in a quiet London restaurant. The date is an awkward affair, not helped by the actions of Mike, their waitress. While they bicker, it emerges that this is not the couple's first meeting; and while they attempt to repair the damage caused by their disastrous first date, they realize that their love for each other will conquer anything - even storms of flying fruit.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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