Annora: The Nightmare Begins_peliplat
Annora: The Nightmare Begins_peliplat

Annora: The Nightmare Begins (2020)

None | USA | English | 110 min

A young woman wakes up in the middle of an isolated forest with no memory of who she is or how she got there. Scared, alone and with no clue as to who she is or why she is in the woods of all places, she ventures to a mysterious mansion in the isolated forest. Annora soon realizes the mansion is a front for a government Blacksite research lab that houses monstrous mutants and she is one of them. While Annora tries to piece her memory's together. The Black-site is compromised by a saboteur and the experiments start to slaughter the staff and security alike. Now Annora-- once hunted by the very people she is now protecting, must stop these monsters from not only escaping to the outside world, but also survive long enough to find out who she really is.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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