Nurse The Night_peliplat
Nurse The Night_peliplat

Nurse The Night (2019)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Alexander Fitchett

In a post climate changed era, a society struggles to adapt to a wave of altered viruses. Families are shook with fear by experiencing infected loved ones that morph from human to creature. It's impossible to find the proper healthcare for a disease that's been branded incurable and illegal to aid. The virus is hazardous to the human condition and poses severe threat. Pathogenic Care is an underground source of dedicated Medical Physicians and former Astronaut Scientists. The objective is to study the pathogen and produce remedies. Families have reached out, but not every case shares the same results. Laney Carlisle is a Nurse for Pathogenic Care and aims to inspire a change of heart by recovering infected subjects. The research has benefited human blood disorders and is the first step in inspiring hope in dark times.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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