Petit Samedi_peliplat
Petit Samedi_peliplat
Play trailer

Petit Samedi (2020)

None | Belgium | French | 75 min
Directed by: Paloma Sermon-Daï

Damien Samedi is 43 years old, a hard-working man, a loving son and a caring boyfriend. He's also been struggling with a drug addiction most of his adult life, counting on his mother's matter-of-fact, yet unwavering support. When he was a child in his Belgian village on the banks of the river Meuse, they called him the "Petit Samedi". To his mother, Ysma, Damien is still her child, the one she never abandoned when he got caught up in drugs. A son who sought to protect his mother despite it all, a man attempting to liberate himself from his addictions and face his past to get through.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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