Letters to my Grandchildren_peliplat
Letters to my Grandchildren_peliplat

Letters to my Grandchildren (2019)

None | USA | English | 93 min
Directed by: Carol Wolf

What do you know about living in this world that needs to be passed on? When Carol Wolf's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Wolf determined to preserve her mother's understanding and wisdom, and the sound of her voice, as advice for her very young grandchildren. The interview was so extraordinary that Wolf collected many more, and distilled them for the project that became Letters to my Grandchildren. In a time when the world's conversation is monopolized by the media and their chosen representatives, Letters to my Grandchildren is a reminder that the most ordinary people know the most extraordinary things. "When you point a camera at someone, and ask them to tell you what they know about how you should live your life, they tell you amazing, inspiring, and moving stories." Carol Wolf, Director, Letters to my Grandchildren.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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