Beyond Ripped Off in the Prime of Life_peliplat
Beyond Ripped Off in the Prime of Life_peliplat

Beyond Ripped Off in the Prime of Life (2016)

None | USA | English, Spanish, German |
Directed by: Drew Cordeiro

Although there's little argument that a customer of Beyond wrestling gets plenty of bang for their buck, of what value is his/her time being spent? When one of the biggest stars on the show (Ciampa) irreverently varies so quickly from comedy to rapid-fire intense sequences, what should the viewer take seriously? 'Beyond' prides itself as a company without belts, and workers take exception with another in a way that encourages competition, but when so many matches are filled with 'innovation' and a glut of maneuvers, often executed in a less-than-graceful manner, I feel as if I'm at the trough indiscriminately eating whatever motley of mush is slopped in front-of-me. Notwithstanding the horrors of the ten man, J. Silver/K. Lee engaged in what aesthetically is an appealing contest; but after taking such incredible abuse from the big man, to have the little man win with a gymnast's maneuver like this soft-landing Canadian Destroyer results in a decline of my esteem for both men. A steel cage is employed in the opener to keep all others out, but it doesn't play a role at all in what follows. Thankfully, the last two matches provided some sustainance to these proceedings. ZSJ and Gresham delightfully played with each other in a very fine first singles match in the US; their ring positioning and body control is second-to-none. The main event was too long, but was logically told with high-quality wrestling, and was the right step heading into 'Americana.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Beyond Ripped Off in the Prime of Life
(Original title)
Beyond Ripped Off in the Prime of Life
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes