Beyond Battle of New England Returns_peliplat
Beyond Battle of New England Returns_peliplat

Beyond Battle of New England Returns (2015)

None | USA | English, Spanish, German |
Directed by: Drew Cordeiro

Tag Team Match JT Dunn and Kimber Lee vs EYFBO (Angel Ortiz and Mike Draztik) (17:51) Singles Match vs CLL International All Star Title Six Way Scramble Match Shynron (c) defeats David Starr and Eric Corvis and Johnny Cockstrong and Rex Lawless and Tracy Williams (12:41) Six Man Tag Team Match The Crusade For Change (Darius Carter, Devin Blaze and Tommy Trainwreck) vs Da Hit Squad (Dan Maff and Monsta Mack) and Dan Barry (15:17) Tag Team Match The Kingdom (Matt Taven and Michael Bennett) (w/Maria Kanellis) vs The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds and John Silver) (13:23) Singles Match Karlee Perez vs Joey Ryan (8:03) Six Man Tag Team Match Team Pazuzu (Chris Dickinson, Jaka and Pinkie Sanchez) vs Anthony Stone and Da Hoodz (Davey Cash and Kris Pyro) (13:44) Singles Match Donovan Dijak vs CJP (16:43) Singles Match Jonathan Gresham vs AR Fox (19:57)

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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