Chris Cormier: I Am the Real Deal_peliplat
Chris Cormier: I Am the Real Deal_peliplat

Chris Cormier: I Am the Real Deal (2019)

None | Australia | English | 102 min
Directed by: Gary Phillips, Davin Sgargetta

From a tough neighborhood in Palm Springs to the biggest stages in the sport, Chris Cormier carved out a career in the '90s golden age of bodybuilding, competing against some of the best of all time. In his career, Cormier competed in more than 70 pro shows, only once placing outside the top 10, including a record six consecutive second places at the Arnold Classic. He was renowned for his unique posing routines - and just as renowned for his hard-partying lifestyle. Did he sacrifice success on the bodybuilding stage for the lure of drugs, women and money - or was he one of the hardest working bodybuilders of his era who never got his due?

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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