Whilst fighting a villainess, PG tears out a her organs and molds them together into meat sword.
A character is swallowed whole by PG, who then vomits out his victim's blood.
PG tears 2 people's heads off. Lots of blood and gore.
A man's head shatters like glass, and blood and gore is seen in extreme detail.
A woman gets crushed into a small box, making her into a meaty cube. A alien takes the cube and crushes it into the table. The alien then smears blood from the crushed cube all over herself.
Using his powers, PG makes a child explode into a gory mess.
PG turns a character into a zombie with a bloody shriveled up head. Later PG shoves the halves of a broken staff into the Zombie's head which makes his entire body deflate like a balloon.
An alien, which is a giant bucket of bloody body parts inside it, sprays two hoses of blood all over PG. Later, PG punches the bucket's porthole causing blood to leak out of it.
A collage of bloody organs, limbs, severed heads, Intestines and meat are seen on a wall created by PG.