Is It Love?_peliplat
Is It Love?_peliplat

Is It Love? (2019)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Jeremie Alexander

Matt, played by Jeremie Alexander, is a man who desperately needs love. He will put himself out there to only get let down. Matt falls in love with Ericka, Hailey Loggins, after only knowing her for a few months and has hooked up once or twice, really he is just used as a booty call. Matt takes Ericka out on a date and has an elaborate plan to propose when they get back to his house. Kevin, Noah Coots, Matt's best friend is hidden in the bushes taking pictures and witnessing the whole thing. Matt proposes to Ericka to only get told no and laughed at, as if he was joking. Matt then is sent spiraling into a mild depression, eating and living like a slob, making a bunch of vlogs or himself doing karate and crying begging for Ericka back. Kevin is worried he hasn't heard from Matt for weeks and goes to check in on him. Kevin shows up to a depressed man child trying to help Matt realize he doesn't has to live like this anymore. Matt then sees that Kevin is right and picks himself up, learning to become his own independent person.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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