I Love You More Than My Soul_peliplat
I Love You More Than My Soul_peliplat

I Love You More Than My Soul (2019)

None | Sweden | Swedish, English, Arabic | 24 min
Directed by: Anna-My Novotny

I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MY SOUL is a movie about refugee children which in a heartfelt and honest way shows how life just has to go on in spite of experienced traumas and shattered families. In playful and spontaneous encounters we are invited to hang out with some of the children who, for the moment, are staying at the transit home Vintertullen. In this film, we see pain, love, the heartbreaking consequences of war, the joyful play among kids and their true wisdom. We get a glimpse of a special community with a huge heart.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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