Legno vivo: Xylella, oltre il batterio_peliplat
Legno vivo: Xylella, oltre il batterio_peliplat

Legno vivo: Xylella, oltre il batterio (2019)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian, Spanish, English | 74 min
Directed by: Filippo Bellantoni

They have gone through centuries of history, have fed generations of Mediterranean people. In ancient Greece the death penalty was imposed for those who felled an olive tree. In Apulia those who do not cut down the olive trees risk heavy fines, attacks and retaliations. Why is all this happening? Is it because of a bacterium? Is their eradication the only solution? And what would be the risks if we lose them? The journalists Elena and Francesca asked scientists and farmers, lawyers and doctors, journalists and teachers. Professors and citizens committed to saving those olive trees that are synonymous with the culture and identity of the entire Puglia population. The question of the Xylella bacterium goes well beyond the destiny of an agricultural sector that is the pride of Made in Italy. Here the olive trees are a garrison against desertification, drought and hydro geological instability. They preserve precious water reserves and guarantee biodiversity, a priceless naturalistic and landscape heritage and a source of income for many families.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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