The Spire_peliplat
The Spire_peliplat

The Spire (2019)

None | USA | English | 28 min
Directed by: Shane Borza

Joel and Shane are old friends who used to climb together but, after 12yrs of not seeing each other, they decide an adventure is in order. Agreeing on climbing the historic Lost Arrow Spire bigwall in Yosemite National Park, they meet and head up. Although Joel has never been to Yosemite, climbed a bigwall, or do any aid climbing, they are both fit and psyched. With unexpected difficulties and delays, dwindling food, and extreme weather, the boys find their friendship tested, along with their resolve. Will they make it to the top? More importantly, will they make it back down?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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