All That Perishes at the Edge of Land_peliplat
All That Perishes at the Edge of Land_peliplat

All That Perishes at the Edge of Land (2019)

None | Pakistan | Urdu | 30 min
Directed by: Hira Nabi

In this docu-fictional work, 'Ocean Master' a decommissioned container vessel is anthropomorphized, and enters into a dialogue with several workers at the Gadani yards. The conversation moves between dreams and desire, places that can be called home, and the structural violence embedded in the act of dismembering a ship at Gadani. As the workers recall the homes and families they left behind, the long work days mesh indistinguishably into one another, the desperation that they carry with them like shackles rises to the forefront, and they are forced to confront the realities of their work in which they are faced with death every day. How may they survive and look towards the future?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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