
Disconnected (2020)

None | Canada | English | 8 min
Directed by: Alec Chambers

Jasmine Ruth (16) is in a rush, dragging her grandmother behind her in a red wagon. She's buried herself in her phone, trying to numb herself to the uncomfortable presence that is Charlotte Ruth (78), who wants to die. Jasmine, it turns out, has made a simple pact with her grandmother: they're going to the beach, so that Charlotte can get some fresh air and a break from her ventilator which, at the moment, is keeping her alive. Things take a turn for the worse when Charlotte is nearly hit by a car. The sudden shock of it drives a wedge between the two, as Jasmine realizes the gravity of the situation. With too little time to get Charlotte back home Jasmine breaks down. Charlotte realizes that she's become hell-bent on something that's hurting her granddaughter. Charlotte comforts Jasmine who comes to terms with her grandmother's wishes and chooses to carry on to a nearby bench to a a perfect end to the day.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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