A Trip to the Store_peliplat
A Trip to the Store_peliplat

A Trip to the Store (2019)

None | UK | English | 11 min
Directed by: Mason Bosworth

Kevin, a university student, is making tea in his kitchen when an unnamed character dressed identical to him enters the room, explaining that they're out of milk. Kevin brushes it off as fine, and the other man reminds him that they have no food at all, meaning that they will have to make a treacherous, terrifying trip to the store. Kevin then debates with the other man if it's truly necessary, and after being convinced that it is, Kevin compromises by attempting to get some homework done before leaving to go to the shop before it closes. However, he loses track of time and must rush to the shop. On the walk there, the two rehearse what they're going to say to the shopkeeper, and prepare themselves for entering. They rush around the store, looking for all the essentials, when Jacob Smith, Kevin's crush, enters. The two panic, and try to avoid Jacob, only to bump right into him. Jacob and Kevin have a pleasant but awkward conversation, that ends with Jacob inviting Kevin out for dinner, and asking for help on a writing assignment. Back at his home, Kevin is trying to type out a message to send to Jacob when the other character enters, slamming the door and berating the Kevin for embarrassing himself in front of Jacob. After an intense exchange, Kevin stands up to his assailant, backing him into the wall only to reveal that he doesn't exist at all - Kevin is talking to a mirror and the other character is a manifestation of his anxiety. Finally enjoying some quiet, Kevin sends the message to Jacob, curls up back in bed, before Anxiety pops his head out from under the covers, reminding Jacob that they forgot to buy milk.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
A Trip to the Store
(Original title)
A Trip to the Store
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes