Alone in the Combat Zone_peliplat
Alone in the Combat Zone_peliplat

Alone in the Combat Zone (2018)

None | India | Assamese | 45 min
Directed by: Monjul Baruah

Once a land soaked in blood and tears, sucked in superstition of witchery, absence of the provision of formal education, violence of insurgency, and fear for the unfamiliar, Udalguri region of Assam became the chosen battleground for Harekrishna Mahanta when he came here from Barpeta at the age of fifteen. The silent, secluded, and stubborn battle he fought in befriending and transforming the people and the place, inspired by the philanthropic ideals of the 16th century saint-reformer Shankardev, remains as an eloquent criticism of the divisive views and politics of our time. Armed with a heart capable of disarming humility and unconditional love for the people, a heart moulded in the teachings and ideals of Shankardev, he began by setting up a satra, wherefrom his philanthropic principles and works radiated and the region, slowly but steadily began to echo the songs he sang as a prayer. He set up school beside the satra he established, introduced untapped economic resources to the people and he did all these in the face of violence and mistrust. This documentary is about the 94 year old satradhikar who, in the twilight of his life, still insists to walk unaided, alone carrying the care and concern of the place and people destiny chose for him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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