
Megafires (2019)

None | France, Japan, Chile, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal, Belgium, Greece | French | 94 min
Directed by: Cosima Dannoritzer

Australia, California, Siberia, Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Amazonia...: for more than a decade, the litany of "megafires" has been in the news, so frequently now that one catastrophe chases the previous one in people's minds. Many have forgotten that in 2016, in the oil-rich city of Fort McMurray (Canada), uncontrollable forest fires reached the city, causing the evacuation of almost all of the 100,000 inhabitants and the destruction of thousands of homes. Each year, these fires destroy more than 350 million hectares of forest, six times the size of France, and are increasingly spreading to inhabited areas. In this global investigation, Cosima Dannoritzer meets firefighters, scientists and fire experts from Europe to Indonesia, including the United States and Canada.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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