A man tries to rape a woman but is interrupted.
A man's face bashed with a mallet, limbs get cut off, being burned alive, etc.
Severe school bullying scenes shown
A man being tortured and a lit cigarette was thrown into his mouth
A severed bloody cat head
A man frequently abuses and beats his wife.
One of the flashbacks shows a baby stroller that was hit by a truck. Blood can be seen on the stroller but nothing graphic is shown
A open-fracture with bone punctures through skin
A man is found dead hanged in his room.
A character beats another in the head with a mallet to kill them. Very bloody and gory.
A character turns into a monster as they're cutting food, and they start obsessively chopping their own hand with the knife. Quite bloody and noisy.
Some scenes involving monsters similar to zombies.
A monster uses a weedwacker to cut off a character's arm. It's graphic and bloody.
Multiple instances of severed limbs and body parts, pretty graphic.
A character has their thumb ripped off.
Several injuries that could be disturbing for people that are squeamish around blood or gore.
A character breaks another character's head.
A woman's fingers are cut off.
Numerous characters are shot, sometimes in the head. A lot of blood is shown.
Characters are burned alive, and some burned corpses are shown.
A monster chews on a man's neck as they fight.
A man is shot in the hand at close range.
A human gives birth to a monster.
A monster chews on an umbilical cord after it is born.
A character is stabbed in the leg with a rod after a building collapses.
A character has his arm cut off with a saw.
Multiple instances of characters/monsters being stabbed in the eye with arrows or knives.