Hij@s del 92_peliplat
Hij@s del 92_peliplat

Hij@s del 92 (2017)

None | Spain | Spanish |
Directed by: Elisabeth Anglarill, Manel Arranz

'Sons of 92' commemorates the 25th anniversary of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics through the eyes of three young people born that year. The Games were a success and a possible reference thanks to the involvement of all administrations. The documentary analyzes the urban and social transformations experienced by Barcelona since Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Committee, pronounced the words "À la ville de Barcelona". "Open the city to the sea" or "put Barcelona on the map" were phrases that are part of the city's history. Today Barcelona enjoys four kilometers of beaches and has a consolidated international prestige. The "sons of 92" question about the massive practice of sport, the evolution of the center or the birth of the nothingness of a neighborhood like the Olympic Village.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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