Art Within Nature_peliplat
Art Within Nature_peliplat

Art Within Nature (2020)

None | USA | English | 22 min
Directed by: Bryon Evans

"Trails and Vistas Art Within Nature" is a short documentary about a magical, diverse and inspiring "art hike" experience that takes place yearly in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This community cultural event blends installation and performance art with the beauty of the mountain environment, resulting in a profound experience for all participants. Each art hiker experiences the interconnecting elements of humanity with the earth, the arts, and their community. This film takes the viewer on a lush and exquisite journey through the Trails and Vistas art hikes. The goal was to transport viewers to the heart of the Sierra mountains through the combination of nature, art, music, poetry, touching cinematography and exquisite sound recording. We hope this film will inspire viewers to learn more about the Trails and Vistas event, which builds community by celebrating the arts within nature.

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