The Melody_peliplat
The Melody_peliplat

The Melody (2019)

None | Australia | English |
Directed by: Andrew Campbell

Scarlett, a electronic musician, is struggling to breakout into the industry. She finds herself down on her luck until she creates a new song called 'The Melody'. Nervous about putting the song out into the world, her friend Dave encourages her. She releases the song, finding the fame she had always wanted. Jamie, an artist, has been dealing with his younger brother's recent death. He struggles to get any work done, so he visits his brothers grave, guitar in hand playing 'The Melody'. He finds peace, leaving his brother's grave and moving on with his life. Skylar, a teacher, has recently had a miscarriage. Her mental health has been heavily affected. Dominic, Skylar's husband, has done as much as he can in supporting her. But when his sister has recently had a newborn, he begins visiting the baby more than seeing Skylar. Skylar confronts him about this, with the two coming to the realisation that nothing would change their feelings for each other especially the miscarriage. They accept what happened, and decide to donate the unborn child's belongings to Dominic's sister for her newborn. Rocky, a musician, has been struggling with losing his dog. He goes to the park where he would walk his dog. Saddened, he knows he must move on, and accepts the great life his dog had. Dave calls Rocky, checking to see if he is attending a gig that night. Rocky leaves the park, hoping he isn't too late for the gig. The gig is revealed to be a secret performance by Scarlett. Jamie, Skylar and Dominic are all attending the gig. Rocky finally arrives, meeting up with Dave, just in time to hear Scarlett perform 'The Melody'.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Canberra, premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Melody
(Original title)
The Melody
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes