The Great Battle_peliplat
The Great Battle_peliplat

The Great Battle (1973)

PG (US) | Poland, Yugoslavia, East Germany, Italy, Soviet Union | English | 101 min
Directed by: Yuriy Ozerov

The 1971 Russian World War II drama "Liberation" (known as "Osvobozhdenie" in Russia) is an epic eight hour film, released in five parts and over the course of three years in the Soviet Union, starring Nikolai Olyalin, Larisa Golubkina, Boris Zajdenberg, Sergei Nikonenko, and Vsevolod Sanayev. The films are a dramatized account of the liberation of the Soviet Union's territory and the subsequent defeat of Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, focusing on five major Eastern Front campaigns. An epic that chronicles the heroic battle at Kursk Bulge, the crossing of the Dnieper by the Soviet Army, the capture of Kiev and the Teheran meeting of allies. The first two installments of the entire five-film saga were edited down to a 101-minute English-language version released internationally (outside of the USA) as "The Great Battle" in 1973 by Columbia Pictures.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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