Tystnaden - en film om Silence, musiken och tiden_peliplat
Tystnaden - en film om Silence, musiken och tiden_peliplat

Tystnaden - en film om Silence, musiken och tiden (2020)

A (NO) | Sweden | Swedish | 58 min
Directed by: Kristina Lindström, Kristian Petri, Johan Söderberg

Silence Records is a record label run by the sound engineer Anders Lind together with Eva Wilke and later also Nikolaj Steenstrup. The company has for decades provided us with innovative, intrinsic and magical music such of Bo Hansson, International Harvester, Philemon Arthur and the Dung, Turid, Samla Mamma's Manna, Kebnekaise, Ragnarök, Hedningarna and Bob Hund. The film also features Bo Anders Persson from, among others, Träd, Gräs och Stenar.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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