10 Palomas_peliplat
10 Palomas_peliplat

10 Palomas (2021)

None | Spanish |
Directed by: Tamae Garateguy

Félix is a prestigious nearly-40-year-old police detective whose favorite hobby is riding his motorcycle at high speed when the city streets are empty. His father Mario is released from prison after a long sentence, which reopens the wounds of a torturous childhood he suffered with his sister Mariana. Félix's boss Acuña assigns him and his partner Bruno to a new case that impacts on the Judicial Power of the Nation and the public opinion: a serial killer, with a flair for the theatrical, ritualistically murders powerful judges, leaving their bodies on a pool of blood and surrounded by dead pigeons.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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