Fanáticos de Tiburones_peliplat
Fanáticos de Tiburones_peliplat

Fanáticos de Tiburones (2019)

None | USA | Spanish |
Directed by: Alfonso de Anda

Juliana Vélez is a young Latina who lives involved in local politics in Miami, but she is also a fan of one of the most dangerous sports and practices that exist; diving with sharks. Through her history, we moved to Jupiter in Florida where she in the company of Fernando, companion of adventures and underwater videographer, Arie, safety diver, and Randy, her mentor and Captain of the Emerald will show us how it is possible for human beings, can create a close bond with one of the most dangerous predators on the planet: The Tiger Shark. They are true Shark Fans.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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