
Stop (2019)

None | Austria | Sign Languages |
Directed by: Marieli Froehlich

Without interruption we are exposed to unfiltered events from both near and far. S T O P is a reflection of that experience The project is an act of deceleration, a call for pause and reflection in the face of sensory overload and the ever constant flood of stimuli. In S T O P, I invite people from all walks of life, of all ages, religions and races to enter a meditative sleep-state, to stand still for a few minutes, allowing me to record them. They do this in their personal environment, without preparation or artificial setting. During their brief pause the participants turn towards silence. The goal of this unfolding project is to portray a global movement of contemplation. The edit will enable a collective space-time experience and create oneness with the viewers. Division and prejudice, whether based on race, religion, gender, class or political beliefs, are dispelled.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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