Sakka Savatra_peliplat
Sakka Savatra_peliplat
Play trailer

Sakka Savatra (2008)

None | India | Marathi |
Directed by: Rajesh Patole

Sridhar Patil a widower lives along with his son Ram who wants to be a lawyer an always misses his mother on request of his servant Datta ,Sridhar re marries to Vaishali as Ram will get a mother in her.Vaishali takes care of Ram as devoted mother but until her brother Balchandra arrives and brain washes her.Balchandra attacks Patil with goons and terms him insane and Vaishali takes control of the house .Years later Ram looks after farming in the village and does not go against word of Vaishali he meets Vijaya and both get married and she finds how Vaishali is dominating over the family and wants Ram to be in her control.Vijaya decides to go against Vaishali but her biggest challenge is to make Ram believe about his mother's true intentions.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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